UPDATE: Please see new additions to this page below, such as why I’m doing this, and the questionnaire I’d like prospective attendees to answer. ALSO, have you seen ‘How to change your mind’ on Netflix, especially episode 2. It’s crazy to think treating anxiety/depression could be as simple as this program demonstrates, though my offering here is to start on a journey to the same beautiful end point without any drugs. Please watch this program if you can, and tell me what you think!
Why are we here, alive and on this planet? Is it to wake up in the morning and not want to face the day, to spend days feeling unhappy, to need medication or drugs to function better? Fuck that! This does not have to be the reality for so many humans.
The more we change our environment with technology, the more separated we become from thousands of years of evolution, and the more unhappy we may get. Animals can show signs of mental health problems, but almost always because humans are keeping them in un-natural environments. That’s why there are no suicidal squirrels living in nature, or birds that would benefit from anti-depressants.
Would you or anyone you know like help with any of the following things?
Generally feeling happier
Worrying about things a lot less
Reducing or eliminating stress
Reducing or eliminating anger
Developing a positive outlook
Being able to take life less seriously
Being able to appreciate life much more
My name is Nico, and if you join me on this outing, you’ll hear about my personal history with mental health. I feel grateful and fortunate to have come through it, and to have discovered many simple tools that have helped so much.
Beware that you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. If you feel that life is great, or that any negative issues you may be suffering are normal, or that doctors and medication can fix everything, then it’s less likely that I can help you. Obviously if you genuinely feel life is great, then you don’t need my help!
It’s important to say I have zero qualifications, only my own life experience, and the knowledge I’ve picked up from many wise people. If you have an open mind, then I almost definitely can help you, and would love to do so.
WHY AM I DOING THIS? The answer isn’t straightforward, but I have tried to sum it up below.
1. I’ve helped myself massively in the last 2-3 years using a wide variety of things, to the point that I genuinely would love to be able to help others, and feel that I have enough to offer now to perhaps have some success.
2. I want the personal challenge of doing something like this. It doesn’t come naturally, so there is a personal challenge aspect that I want to push myself to do something, that it would have been very easy not to even try to get started.
3. There are a couple of people close to me who aren’t in the best place mentally, but they don’t have any faith in trying my suggestions. There is an external motivation that if I could have some success with this project, I could go back to those people with a stronger case. They aren’t aware I’m even doing the project presently.
EVENT DAY DETAILS: We meet at Surbiton train station, return tickets provided free of charge to our destination (not far). We’ll move around during the day (perhaps around 3000 steps), and there will be some uphill parts. There will be a new location for each of the 6 main themes I want to discuss and engage with you on.
FORMAT OPTIONS: Leave around 10.30/11am, have lunch (provided) during the event, finish around mid-afternoon (3.30/4pm). OR Leave just after lunch (around 1.30pm), so lunch won’t be included, but this means you have the morning free, and we’ll finish around 5.30/6pm. Please state your preference if you have one.
Next event dates: No past event has run yet due to lack of numbers able to commit, but there has been interest, so I hope to offer a new date soon. Please get in touch if you are also interested.
After each event, this page will be updated with a report back. The events will only go ahead if we get the numbers. I’d like to work with minimum 3 people and maximum 4 people, but there could be some flexibility.
You are very welcome to sign up together with a friend or a family member, please just ask. EVERYONE is welcome, no matter who you are or what your life situation is.
These events will only run on weekdays, when the place we are going to will be quiet and very conducive to what the day is trying to achieve. You will need to have a free day organised if necessary, before confirming your place.
How to sign up: Please use the button on this page to email me to register your interest, or ask any questions. For those wanting to sign up, I have a small questionnaire (copied at the end of this page), intended to understand your current life situation better, and offer a way to chart your progress. It’s not compulsory and I don’t need any personal details, except your first name, age, and a phone number to re-confirm on the day that you are still coming.
The entire experience won’t cost you any money. Donations are welcome, but will not be asked for. All I ask in return is that a few days after the event, please send me a short review of your experience of the day, and how hopeful or not you feel about whether it will help you. Finally, 3 months after your event day, I’d also appreciate a quick update on how you’re doing. Of course, you’ll have my contact after the day, and so you can keep in touch more regularly if you wish.
These reviews will also go onto this webpage either with your first name or as anonymous, and only if you give your permission.
Questionnaire below (not compulsory, and you can make enquiries/ask questions by email before sending back any answers):
What’s your first name?
What is your phone number (will only be used to confirm attendance on the day of the event)?
How old are you?
How long have you had symptoms of depression, or poor mental health?
Can you describe what they are?
Using a scale of 0-10, with 0 indicating immense unhappiness, and 10 indicating incredible happiness, what number best represents where you are now?
Think back to the last period of your life when you didn’t have any symptoms, how happy were you then? Please use the same 0-10 scale to answer
Have your symptoms been diagnosed? In other words, have you been to the doctor with your symptoms, and been told you have anxiety, depression, or something similar?
Whether diagnosed or not, are you taking any medication for your symptoms?
How optimistic are you about the prospect of this event day helping you to start turning things around and feel happier?
Do you expect this event day to be fun, serious, a bit of both, or you simply don’t mind?
For lunch preparation*, if you are vegetarian or vegan, please let me know here
How did you find the website?
Are you happy for any reviews you submit to be published on the website? They can be listed anonymously or with just your first name.
Finally, is there anything else you would like to share ahead of the event?
*Please note if you have any food allergies that could result in a severe reaction, I kindly ask that you bring your own food with you.
Next Event Dates: TBC